Why did I choose DFCIS?

(Disciples for Christ International School)
in Baguio city, Philippines.

  I came DFCIS(Disciples for Christ International School) in January, 2017. I had been heard about this school many times from my uncle and aunt who have two sons in DFCIS. And when I was in grade 10 in Korea, my parents let me go to DFCIS with my younger brother, because my grade was going lower and lower. Until I was in grade 8, my grade was good, but, in starting grade 9, I did not do anything for my grade of tests.

  So, they told me that you should get new starting in other country and please study hard in there. Finally, I decided to go DFCIS and I'm here.

  At first it was by just order of my parents to choose DFCIS, but I decided to study in DFCIS, so I'll do my best from now on.


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